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I’m going to keep this short & sweet so you can get to the article below – uber helpful for managing family and friends during the holidays. So, I’ve watched The Digestion Sessions forwards and backwards over the past couple of months and the one interview I go back to again and again is the one […]

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How TLC Radically Changed My Life – Forever. It was my 25th birthday. I was in a new patient consult with a primary care physician. My only intentions for the visit were to get a renewed prescription for my thyroid medication – All I wanted was my medication, nothing else. I hadn’t been to the […]

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Every so often, I get an email that breaks my heart. “I am begging for help…” It’s easy for me to talk about how hard it is to live with thyroid disease, but these emails remind me of what it’s really like. “I cannot do this anymore…” They remind me that not only are these […]

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They say it takes a village to raise a child, but I say it takes a village to heal! And science totally backs me up on that. It turns out that studies have shown that loneliness and isolation (real or perceived) produces a huge inflammatory response in the body—but that people who have strong social […]

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  Your health and happiness are linked in complex and direct ways.  You are probably already aware that thyroid disease can have side effects like depression, mood swings, and brain fog, but what you may not know is that actively cultivating happiness can be an important healing tool.     Serotonin, happiness, and gut feelings […]

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Life got ya feelin’ down?  It might just be your adrenal glands. Turns out, modern life is not so friendly to these little balls of stress (hormones), and the accumulated stressors of everyday life in the twenty-first century can have major consequences for your adrenals and your thyroid. In fact, when it comes to your […]

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Depression and thyroid disease: those ugly kissing cousins!  We might not immediately associate depression with our thyroid problems.  We might initially think, “I feel depressed because I feel bad in other areas of my health.” But research has shown that hypothyroid and depression are clinically linked.  In fact, Gary S. Ross, M.D., author of Depression […]

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  I’m so excited!  Today is the first post of my Self-care Saviors (SCS) series.  SCS will be an exclusive, inside look into my weekly self-care adventures. I hope these little windows into self-care possibilities will inspire you to give yourself and your thyroid the TLC it deserves!  Join me every week for a new […]

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