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I don’t know about you, but the “to read” pile in my house teeters precariously every time I add another book to it, and my e-reader is full of goodies. Sitting down with a good book is one way I love to unwind and de-stress.  It’s also part of my never-ending quest to get and […]

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Breakfasts! They can be tricky.  And in just two days, I’ll be flying back to the U.S. after two weeks in Italy, to meet my good friend, thyroid and hormone expert, Magdalena Wszelaki for a conference on innovative treatments for thyroid conditions. Magda and I are renting an apartment together during this conference because a) […]

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Oh, sugar.  Why can’t I quit you! 😉 Actually, I’ve done pretty well quitting sugar — but only after years of trial and error.  See, I’d quit for a while, and be so good, and then something would creep up on me… lurking… hiding around an unexpected corner… waiting to POUNCE! Stress. Almost every time […]

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